Thursday, November 4, 2010


With his tail tucked firmly between his legs, the King of the World, our beloved leader is off to visit India with a bunch of his buddies and secret service members.  Its only costing American tax payers 200 million dollars per day.  No problem, right?  Everyone is back to work, economy is doing great, a chicken for every pot.  What, you say, unemployment is still hovering around 10%, economy is in the tank and we're all eating ramen noodles?  What a nerve this guy has.  Bad enough Michelle my belle went off to Spain with a bunch of her friends a few months ago, which also cost us a pretty penny and they have the nerve to tell us that we need to tighten up our belts?  I think my eyeballs are bleeding.  Enjoy it while you can because the countdown to November 6th, 2012 has begun.

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, I think it's time you start looking on the bright side of things:)
