Friday, October 29, 2010
Lets take the keys from Obama!
El Presidente keeps referring to the economy as a car that the Republicans drove into a ditch. Somebody should tell him to find another analogy because one of his buddies, Ted Kennedy, if you recall actually drove a car off the road and into the water and actually killed Mary Jo Kopeckny. Maybe he could say, "The Republicans left the toilet seat up, didn't flush, I sat down to drop the kids off at the pool, and I fell into a hot steaming pile of...... well, you know where I'm going with this. It's time to man up, Mr. President. Quit looking back, put on your big boy pants and take responsibility for YOUR MESS!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Are you my mommy?
I have had just about enough of the Government rules and regulations that bombard me on a daily basis. You probably don't realize just how deeply entrenched they have become. Just think about a few things. If you want a new toilet, they have restricted the amount of water, or (GPF) gallons per flush to 1.6 gallons, to conserve water, of course. The unintended consequence, as you are well aware of , is that sometimes, more often than not, you have to flush 2 or 3 times to get the job done. Where is the water conservation in that? If you need to replace your light bulbs, in the very near future, you will have to purchase the squiggly light bulbs, that have mercury in them, so if you drop a bulb and it breaks, you will have to call Hazmat to come and clean it up. If you like the incandescent bulbs, go out now, while you still can, and purchase as many as you want. If you want to purchase a new car, the Manufacturers have to follow the CAFE standards, (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), an agenda pushed by the greeny weenies. It seems like a great idea to raise the mpg's of vehicles until you realize that they have to make the cars lighter and less safe. Google this article and read for yourself- American Thinker: Death by CAFE standards. Halloween is approaching and I heard on the radio that they are trying to tell us what we should pass out to the children, darker chocolates, less sugary candies, etc.. Michelle Obama, bless her heart, was in Chicago a few weeks ago complaining about how the stores in the inner city don't sell enough fruits and veggies. She also suggested, are you sitting down?, that they should stock fruits and veggies in....wait for it.....liquor stores!!! Our kids are too fat, she says, because they don't eat enough fruits and veggies. Are the kids going to the liquor stores in Chicago? I thought that, as an adult, that I was allowed to make my own decisions about what to eat, without big momma Government looking over my shoulder, or maybe it's just a dream I have. Please, Mr. and Mrs. Government, leave us alone.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Will the lies ever stop?
Remember the seemingly hundreds of times that the President and Democrats in Congress told us that if they pass the health care reform bill that our premiums would go down? Well, I received a mailer for my upcoming open enrollment for health, dental, prescription drugs and vision insurance through my employer and it states, "Health care costs are increasing nationally - which is one of the factors associated with health care reform. As a result, because associates share in the cost of coverage, you will see an increase in your medical, prescription drug and dental premiums for 2011." Well, isn't that just craptistic!!! For my family, I will be paying 75.00 more a month for medical and 30.00 more a month for dental. That's 1260.00 more a year for the same programs I had this year. They didn't teach me this fuzzy math in school. They taught me that 1260.00 > 0.00, not 1260.00 < 0.00. Go figure! That wouldn't be a problem if I could just print more or borrow more from the Chinese like they do. Unbelievable. I know, I shouldn't be surprised though I am disgusted. You've probably heard the old joke - how can you tell if a Democrat is lying......His lips are moving. How in the world did they think that by adding 45 million more people, (which is a bogus figure), onto the health care coverage bandwagon, we would all pay less? Just one of a thousand more reasons to vote for a Republican majority in Congress so that they can reverse or at least de-fund this monstrosity when they take over in January. Don't forget that after the election, they will be in a lame duck session for 2 more months and, believe me, that they will try to pass a slew of more bad legislation, like Crap and Trade, and so on until they hit the unemployment lines. Be vigilant in getting as many people to the polls on November 2nd, or vote early if you can, and lets get these clowns out of there.
Monday, October 25, 2010
8 days and counting!!!
With only 8 more days until the election, I am getting more and more excited. I don't recall another election day that I have been more amped up about. I remember just 2 short years ago, I was 3rd in line at the polls so I could NOT vote for Mr. Obama. I held my nose and voted for John McCain, or as some have said McLame, but the upcoming election, I believe, is far more important. Today is my son, Dakotah's, 18th birthday. I took him to get registered to vote about 5 months ago. He gets to vote with me for his very 1st time, quite possibly his most important time. Our family was driving through town a couple weeks ago and I told him that voting is simple. I said "you want to vote for the people with an "R" beside their name and not the ones with a "D". My 14 year old son, Tristen, heard me say that and he said, "So let me get this straight, someone named Roger is good but not someone named Dave"? My wife and I got a chuckle from that! Then I explained that I meant to vote for Republicans, not Democrats. I am getting a kick out of how badly the Democrats are reeling back on their heels and trying so desperately to find something, anything, to bad mouth their opponents about. And how many millions, possibly billions of dollars they are spending on despicable ads on television and radio with little or no effect with the general public. It's amazing how they have such a disconnect with the American voters. They would be better off using that money and buying lottery tickets, they might have a better shot at winning something. I've said before that the Democrat mascot should not be a donkey,(albeit very appropriate), but rather an ostrich, since they seemingly have their heads in the sand. On November 2nd, I would crawl a mile through broken glass with my clothes on fire to get to the polls. We must ALL do our patriotic duty and vote to get this country turned back in the RIGHT direction.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My conservative icons
I am influenced and challenged by a few talk show and television hosts every day. If I were to list them from top to bottom it would be as follows: 1) Mark Levin. His web site is It is a completely free site where you can download his podcasts. 2) Michael Berry out of Houston Texas. He does 4 hours of shows a day, 2 hours on and 2 hours on You can also download his podcasts for free. 3) Bill Cunningham out of Cincinnati. Podcasts are free at I also enjoy Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Neal Boortz. I watch and listen to them when I can, unfortunately, their podcasts are not free. Fox News Channel is, by far, the best outlet for news available, all others are so far left wing that it is pathetic. I work the night shift and I can downlowd and listen all night to these folks. If you have an MP3 player, I highly recommend these guys. There are others, I'm sure that I would like. If you know of any others that have free podcasts, let me know.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Liberalism is a mental disorder
That is the title of one of Michael Savage's books and I have to say, I can not disagree with him, based on the current Majority in the House and Senate. I seriously do not know how they could possibly believe some of the things they say. It's stunning. They tend to be SO hypocritical. They always accuse the Republicans of trying to ruin Social Security while the Democrats, in the Obamacare bill, stripped 500 billion dollars out of it. Lets talk about stereotyping. They get their undies in a bunch when one or two people at a Tea Party rally, (who are probably plants), have questionable signs about Obama's race, therefore ALL Tea Party members and ALL Republicans are racists based on a couple of knuckleheads. Yet, when we suggest that people at the airports who appear to be of middle eastern descent, should be screened a little closer, we are accused of racial profiling. Just makes sense, because most if not all of the terrorists have been Muslim. That doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists but thats what the Democrats are trying to say that we are saying. Their new talking point this week, presented by the ping pong ball eyed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is the lack of FAIRNESS in our country. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Their suggestion to solve the problem is......wait for it.........Robin Hood Politics. Lets take from the rich and give to the poor. Now, isn't that fair? I don't think that the rich think is a bit fair. Sounds a lot like Socialism to me. You want to know what I think is not fair? America has the fattest poor people in the world. I work hard for the money that I make to try to support my family. My net, after all the taxes and deductions, is about half of my gross. We live paycheck to paycheck, that's not the "rich peoples" fault, it's just a fact. Meanwhile, I went to Walmart around the first of last month to pick up a couple things, it was about 3:00 in the morning, (I work third shift), and in line in front of me was a couple, I assume, husband and wife, they were both so morbidly obese that they had to ride on those motorized buggies with a cart on them. Both carts were overflowing. In addition to the buggies being full, they each had another full sized cart, both overflowing. How did they pay for their groceries, you ask? You guessed it- Food Stamps! How fair is that? I heard about another lady that went to Kroger and her total for her food stamp purchase was 140.00. 100.00 of that was Monster energy drinks and Mountain Dew! Can you feel the fairness all over you? I sure can. We need to stop subsidizing bad behavior and encourage good behavior.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
First of all, today is a very special day. Ten years ago I married the most wonderful, caring wife any man could want. We have grown quite a bit these last 10 years, her more than I, unfortunately. When we met, we were both at the ends of our previous marriages and we were both not where we needed to be in our walks with the Lord. The very first Sunday after our wedding, we visited a church in Pickerington that we had driven by and felt drawn to. We felt like we were home. The Pastor, Brett Gleespen teaches the Word of God in a way that it is easy to understand and apply to your life. He is a very funny man! His family is wonderful and almost all of them are on the praise and worship team. His wife, Miss Kim, plays keyboard and sings. Daughter, Mallory, plays guitar and sings. Son, Zachary, plays drums and son, Sam, plays bass guitar. They have another daughter, Maddi, who, I'm sure will eventually be involved somehow! They are very talented. My wife, Christina, has really grown spiritually under his teachings and is a very strong christian because of it. Four and a half years ago the Lord instructed Pastor to move back to his home town, Marion Ohio, to start up a new church. We felt led to follow and help build with them. For three and a half years, we drove an hour and ten minutes from Pickerington to Marion every Sunday for church. We were finally able to sell our house and move to Marion in August last year, thank you Jesus! Back to my wife. I love her with all my heart and I can't imagine how my life would be without her. Happy Anniversary Sweetie!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Won't you be my neighbor.
When I was a kid, there was a show on PBS called Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. You remember, don't you? Anyway, as I recall, there were certain episodes where Mr. Rogers would walk over toward the right side of the t.v. screen and summon for Mr. Conductor and a " magic trolley" would chug out of the wall on tracks and Mr. Rogers would ask us if we wanted to go to the land of make believe. We, of course, would say yes. Then the "magic trolley" would take us there. I don't know if the show still airs, since Fred Rogers died several years ago but his spirit is alive and well in the White House and Congress. Some of the things that these people say are so totally absurd that I think they went to the land of make believe, then the trolley broke down or George Bush withheld funding for mass transit or something, and they never got out. Here are a few gems from the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the one and only Nancy Pelosi. And I quote, "now let me say that unemployment insurance, we talk about it as a safety net and the rest, this is one of the biggest stimuluses to our economy. Economists will tell you this money is spent quickly, it injects demand into the economy, and is job creating. It creates jobs faster than most any other initiative you can name. Because, again, it's money that is needed for families to survive and it is spent. So it has a double benefit. It helps those who have lost their jobs but it also is a job creator." And more recently she blessed us with this nugget of genius, "We had a hearing in the Capitol and we had, from right to left, the most conservative, uh, economists and all the way across the spectrum. And what they told us that day, is that if you want to create jobs, the quickest way to do it, is to provide more funding for food stamps. And have unemployment insurance for people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own." Say what!?! How in the world does she think that providing food stamps and unemployment insurance creates jobs? Maybe on her last face lift they pulled her skin too tight and it is restricting the blood flow she needs to make a coherent statement. Remember when they were trying to get the votes for that abortion they call "universal health care", she said the following, "We must pass the bill so that you can find out, um, what is in it." No, genius, we wanted you to reveal what was in it so we could see just how horrible it was! Give me a break. Maybe they all got the "Golden Tickets" from Willie Wonka. Remember this song, "Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination, take a look and you'll see into your imagination. We'll begin with a spin traveling in the world of my creation, what we see will defy explanation." Kinda scary when you think that she is 2nd in line for the Presidency if, God forbid, Barak Hussein Obama and Joe Biden should pass on. We have a job to do. Vote for Republicans in the House of Representatives so she will no longer be Speaker of the House.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
If at first you don't succeed, cry, lie again.
With the election 19 days away and most, if not all, Democratic incumbents trailing their Republican/Tea Party opponents, who else is tired of the whining and complaining that we are barraged with on a daily basis? It's almost comical! These people must think that we are total idiots! They think that we are too stupid to fact check the silly accusations they are coming up with. They have nothing good that they have done in Congress to stand on and promote themselves so, as usual, they resort to digging as deep as they can into their opponents past to try to find out something controversial. " I know I stink but look at what they did 15, 20, 30 years ago. It's pathetic. Let's just look at the incumbents past voting records and vote based on that. I mean, they were sent to Washington to represent us, weren't they? For instance, on this bogus Obamacare bill, 60 to 70 percent of Americans, ( THATS US ), were against it. Did they listen to us? Not at all. Who are they representing? By the way, they wrote in the bill that they and their staffs were exempted from participating in this wonderful piece of legislation. Beautiful. If it is so great, why the exemption? They resort to name calling, racists, tea baggers, etc. Lets vote for some grown ups on November 2nd. Lets clean their clocks at the polls. YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
When your policies stink, blame Bush.
How long into a presidency do you have to serve before you start taking responsibility, whether good or bad, for the decisions or policies you made? For the last 20 months Barak Hussein Obama has continually pointed the finger of blame for anything negative that has happened to our beloved country on George Bush. He's always talking about the "deficit he inherited", or the "failed policies of the last 12 years", I could go on but you get the picture. He campaigned on these issues claiming that "We are the ones that we have been waiting for". He said he had the answers to fix the economy and unemployment. To get out of the wars that George Bush started. To shut down Guantanamo Bay and so on. We as Americans needed "hope and change". How's that "hope and change" workin' for ya'? Was it a surprise to him when he moved into the White House that the economy and unemployment were so bad? No, it was not. It's time for him to put on his big boy pants, get some good economists to give him advice and own up to the results of his ill advised decisions that are taking our country in the wrong direction. Did you know that he has acquired more national deficit since he has been in office than the time period from George Washington to Ronald Reagan? It's totally absurd! Just because there was a deficit when he took office, does that give him license to quadruple the debt? Makes no sense to me. Cash for clunkers was a bust. The 787 billion dollar "stimulus" bill didn't stimulate anybody but the unions and special interest groups. The only growth in employment is in government jobs. The private sector is taking it in the shorts. Did you hear that over 823 thousand dollars of the "stimulus" money was wasted on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised AFRICAN males how to properly wash their genitals after having sex to minimize the risk of getting AIDS? How about the "squirrel bridge" in Arizona for a mere 1.25 million dollars. The bridge is being built because there is a rare breed of red squirrels, about 250 of them, that on average, 5 squirrels become road kill each year. Are you kidding me!? I'm not an economist nor do I claim to have all the answers but these 2 examples are just a very small fraction of the waste and abuse that this administration is heaping onto ALL OF US. I learned, without a college education, that you CAN NOT spend more than you take in. Econ. 101. Supposedly, our esteemed President attended Oxford and Columbia Universities,(although he won't release any of his school records or birth certificate), for some reason. What is he hiding? It seems to me that he is deliberately driving our nation into the ground. Are we going to be the next Greece? Our only hope is to get a majority in the House of Representatives and /or the Senate in November to create gridlock so the goofball can't get any more of his "foolish" experiments signed into law.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
upcoming elections on Noverber 2nd
Hello folks, this is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me. I am a soon to be 47 year old registered Republican, father of 10 children, who has had just about enough of the constant racial accusations from the left wing idiots in Washington and the media. First of all, I am not a racist! My wife and I are both white. We have a blended family. We were both married before, she had 2 children and I had 2 children. We have 1 child together. Thats 5 white children between us. Here's where it gets interesting. We are foster parents and we have adopted 2, soon to be 3, children through the foster care system. One is black, one is bi-racial, (Mexican/Caucasion) and the 3rd is white. But wait, there's more. We have also adopted 2 sisters from Haiti, who are black. So, as you can see, if you do the math, that we have 4 children who are not the same race as my wife and I. If we are racists, either we don't know to do it right or we must really suck at it! The only reason the left is constantly attacking the Republicans and the Tea Party Movement with this stupid race issue is that their policies are not popular with most of the American population. We, as God fearing Americans, don't want our wonderful country to follow the failed Socialist/Marxist models such as Cuba, Venezuela, etc. that they want to take us down. If they are so happy with Obamacare, Cap and Trade, letting the Bush era tax breaks expire, etc., then why are they not promoting these stupid policies while they are currently campaigning in their districts? It's simple. We don't want this kind of crappy legislation and they know it!! All they have left is to drudge up this tired old race issue to try to frighten certain groups of people in this nation. Republicans are not against immigration, we are against ILLEGAL immigration. It's that simple. We have to do our part in the upcoming election and vote these knuckleheads out of Washington and show them with our votes how we really feel about them since they won't listen to us screaming at the top of our lungs. Last I checked, bad policies don't have a skin color!! If you are in Barbara Boxers district in California, please vote her out so we can call her ma'am again without her getting her panties in a bunch about it! ( Remember how she dressed down the General on the Senate floor)? Let's knock Princess Pelosi off of her throne and make Prince Harry Reid pound sand! These people are trying to ruin not only our lives but the lives of future generations with all of the out of control spending and their continual bowing down to all of the left wing special interest groups and environmental wackjobs, ( Al Gore being the most vocal with all of his global warming/ climate change nonsense). If you want higher utility rates, higher taxes and unemployment to stay at 10% for the next 10 years or so, then by all means, vote the idiots back into office. As for me and my house, we are voting to remove as many Democrats out as we can. Sorry if I jumped around a lot, but there's just so much wrong in Washington that I can't wrap my brain around it.
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