Sunday, October 10, 2010

upcoming elections on Noverber 2nd

Hello folks, this is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me.  I am a soon to be 47 year old registered Republican, father of 10 children, who has had just about enough of the constant racial accusations from the left wing idiots in Washington and the media.  First of all, I am not a racist!  My wife and I are both white.  We have a blended family.  We were both married before, she had 2 children and I had 2 children.  We have 1 child together.  Thats 5 white children between us.  Here's where it gets interesting.  We are foster parents and we have adopted 2, soon to be 3, children through the foster care system.  One is black, one is bi-racial, (Mexican/Caucasion) and the 3rd is white.  But wait, there's more.  We have also adopted 2 sisters from Haiti, who are black.  So, as you can see, if you do the math, that we have 4 children who are not the same race as my wife and I.  If we are racists, either we don't know to do it right or we must really suck at it!  The only reason the left is constantly attacking the Republicans and the Tea Party Movement with this stupid race issue is that their policies are not popular with most of the American population.  We, as God fearing Americans, don't want our wonderful country to follow the failed Socialist/Marxist models such as Cuba, Venezuela, etc. that they want to take us down.  If they are so happy with Obamacare, Cap and Trade, letting the Bush era tax breaks expire, etc.,  then why are they not promoting these stupid policies while they are currently campaigning in their districts?  It's simple.  We don't want this kind of crappy legislation and they know it!!  All they have left is to drudge up this tired old race issue to try to frighten certain groups of people in this nation.  Republicans are not against immigration, we are against ILLEGAL immigration. It's that simple.  We have to do our part in the upcoming election and vote these knuckleheads out of Washington and show them with our votes how we really feel about them since they won't listen to us screaming at the top of our lungs. Last I checked, bad policies don't have a skin color!!  If you are in Barbara Boxers district in California, please vote her out so we can call her ma'am again without her getting her panties in a bunch about it!  ( Remember how she dressed down the General on the Senate floor)?  Let's knock Princess Pelosi off of her throne and make Prince Harry Reid pound sand!  These people are trying to ruin not only our lives but the lives of future generations with all of the out of control spending and their continual bowing down to all of the left wing special interest groups and environmental wackjobs, ( Al Gore being the most vocal with all of his global warming/ climate change nonsense).  If you want higher utility rates, higher taxes and unemployment to stay at 10% for the next 10 years or so, then by all means, vote the idiots back into office.  As for me and my house, we are voting to remove as many Democrats out as we can.  Sorry if I jumped around a lot, but there's just so much wrong in Washington that I can't wrap my brain around it.