Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are you my mommy?

I have had just about enough of the Government rules and regulations that bombard me on a daily basis.  You probably don't realize just how deeply entrenched they have become.  Just think about a few things.  If you want a new toilet, they have restricted the amount of water, or (GPF) gallons per flush to 1.6 gallons, to conserve water, of course.  The unintended consequence, as you are well aware of , is that sometimes, more often than not, you have to flush 2 or 3 times to get the job done.  Where is the water conservation in that?  If you need to replace your light bulbs, in the very near future, you will have to purchase the squiggly light bulbs, that have mercury in them, so if you drop a bulb and it breaks, you will have to call Hazmat to come and clean it up.  If you like the incandescent bulbs, go out now, while you still can, and purchase as many as you want.  If you want to purchase a new car, the Manufacturers have to follow the CAFE standards, (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), an agenda pushed by the greeny weenies.  It seems like a great idea to raise the mpg's of vehicles until you realize that they have to make the cars lighter and less safe.  Google this article and read for yourself- American Thinker: Death by CAFE standards.  Halloween is approaching and I heard on the radio that they are trying to tell us what we should pass out to the children, darker chocolates, less sugary candies, etc..  Michelle Obama, bless her heart, was in Chicago a few weeks ago complaining about how the stores in the inner city don't sell enough fruits and veggies.  She also suggested, are you sitting down?, that they should stock fruits and veggies in....wait for it.....liquor stores!!!  Our kids are too fat, she says, because they don't eat enough fruits and veggies.  Are the kids going to the liquor stores in Chicago?  I thought that, as an adult, that I was allowed to make my own decisions about what to eat, without big momma Government looking over my shoulder, or maybe it's just a dream I have.  Please, Mr. and Mrs. Government, leave us alone.

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