Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, cry, lie again.

With the election 19 days away and most, if not all, Democratic incumbents trailing their Republican/Tea Party opponents, who else is tired of the whining and complaining that we are barraged with on a daily basis?  It's almost comical!  These people must think that we are total idiots!  They think that we are too stupid to fact check the silly accusations they are coming up with.  They have nothing good that they have done in Congress to stand on and promote themselves so, as usual, they resort to digging as deep as they can into their opponents past to try to find out something controversial.  " I know I stink but look at what they did 15, 20, 30 years ago.  It's pathetic.  Let's just look at the incumbents past voting records and vote based on that.  I mean, they were sent to Washington to represent us, weren't they?  For instance, on this bogus Obamacare bill, 60 to 70 percent of Americans, ( THATS US ), were against it.  Did they listen to us?  Not at all.  Who are they representing?  By the way, they wrote in the bill that they and their staffs were exempted from participating in this wonderful piece of legislation.  Beautiful.  If it is so great, why the exemption?  They resort to name calling, racists, tea baggers, etc.  Lets vote for some grown ups on November 2nd.  Lets clean their clocks at the polls.  YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN!!!


  1. Writing! Who knew you had it in you. What are you going to do with the blog after the elections? Are you still going to write? Will you write about other things? Say being a dad to a large multicultural, multiracial family, or a man that loves God? I would love to hear your thoughts on those subjects too. I love ya!

  2. After the election, there will still be plenty to write about but I will try to intermingle those topics as well. Thanks for the imput!
