Friday, October 15, 2010

Won't you be my neighbor.

When I was a kid, there was a show on PBS called Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.  You remember, don't you?  Anyway, as I recall, there were certain episodes where Mr. Rogers would walk over toward the right side of the t.v. screen and summon for Mr. Conductor and a " magic trolley" would chug out of the wall on tracks and Mr. Rogers would ask us if we wanted to go to the land of make believe.  We, of course, would say yes.  Then the "magic trolley" would take us there.  I don't know if the show still airs, since Fred Rogers died several years ago but his spirit is alive and well in the White House and Congress.  Some of the things that these people say are so totally absurd that I think they went to the land of make believe, then the trolley broke down or George Bush withheld funding for mass transit or something, and they never got out.  Here are a few gems from the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the one and only Nancy Pelosi.  And I quote, "now let me say that unemployment insurance, we talk about it as a safety net and the rest, this is one of the biggest stimuluses to our economy. Economists will tell you this money is spent quickly, it injects demand into the economy, and is job creating. It creates jobs faster than most any other initiative you can name. Because, again, it's money that is needed for families to survive and it is spent.  So it has a double benefit. It helps those who have lost their jobs but it also is a job creator."  And more recently she blessed us with this nugget of genius, "We had a hearing in the Capitol and we had, from right to left, the most conservative, uh, economists and all the way across the spectrum.  And what they told us that day, is that if you want to create jobs, the quickest way to do it, is to provide more funding for food stamps.  And have unemployment insurance for people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own."  Say what!?!  How in the world does she think that providing food stamps and unemployment insurance creates jobs? Maybe on her last face lift they pulled her skin too tight and it is restricting the blood flow she needs to make a coherent statement. Remember when they were trying to get the votes for that abortion they call "universal health care", she said the following, "We must pass the bill so that you can find out, um, what is in it."  No, genius, we wanted you to reveal what was in it so we could see just how horrible it was!  Give me a break.  Maybe they all got the "Golden Tickets" from Willie Wonka.  Remember this song, "Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination, take a look and you'll see into your imagination.  We'll begin with a spin traveling in the world of my creation, what we see will defy explanation."  Kinda scary when you think that she is 2nd in line for the Presidency if, God forbid, Barak Hussein Obama and Joe Biden should pass on.  We have a job to do.  Vote for Republicans in the House of Representatives so she will no longer be Speaker of the House.