Monday, October 25, 2010

8 days and counting!!!

With only 8 more days until the election, I am getting more and more excited.  I don't recall another election day that I have been more amped up about. I remember just 2 short years ago, I was 3rd in line at the polls so I could NOT vote for Mr. Obama.  I held my nose and voted for John McCain, or as some have said McLame, but the upcoming election, I believe, is far more important. Today is my son, Dakotah's, 18th birthday.  I took him to get registered to vote about 5 months ago.  He gets to vote with me for his very 1st time, quite possibly his most important time.  Our family was driving through town a couple weeks ago and I told him that voting is simple.  I said "you want to vote for the people with an "R" beside their name and not the ones with a "D".  My 14 year old son, Tristen, heard me say that and he said, "So let me get this straight, someone named Roger is good but not someone named Dave"?  My wife and I got a chuckle from that!  Then I explained that I meant to vote for Republicans, not Democrats.  I am getting a kick out of how badly the Democrats are reeling back on their heels and trying so desperately to find something, anything, to bad mouth their opponents about.  And how many millions, possibly billions of dollars they are spending on despicable ads on television and radio with little or no effect with the general public.  It's amazing how they have such a disconnect with the American voters.  They would be better off using that money and buying lottery tickets, they might have a better shot at winning something. I've said before that the Democrat mascot should not be a donkey,(albeit very appropriate), but rather an ostrich, since they seemingly have their heads in the sand.  On November 2nd, I would crawl a mile through broken glass with my clothes on fire to get to the polls.  We must ALL do our patriotic duty and vote to get this country turned back in the RIGHT direction.

1 comment:

  1. So cute that you are one proud papa and you are so excited to go an vote.
