Thursday, October 21, 2010

Liberalism is a mental disorder

That is the title of one of Michael Savage's books and I have to say, I can not disagree with him, based on the current Majority in the House and Senate.  I seriously do not know how they could possibly believe some of the things they say.  It's stunning.  They tend to be SO hypocritical.  They always accuse the Republicans of trying to ruin Social Security while the Democrats, in the Obamacare bill, stripped 500 billion dollars out of it. Lets talk about stereotyping. They get their undies in a bunch when one or two people at a Tea Party rally, (who are probably plants), have questionable signs about Obama's race, therefore ALL Tea Party members and ALL Republicans are racists based on a couple of knuckleheads.  Yet, when we suggest that people at the airports who appear to be of middle eastern descent, should be screened a little closer, we are accused of racial profiling.  Just makes sense, because most if not all of the terrorists have been Muslim.  That doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists but thats what the Democrats are trying to say that we are saying.  Their new talking point this week, presented by the ping pong ball eyed Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is the lack of FAIRNESS in our country.  The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.  Their suggestion to solve the problem is......wait for it.........Robin Hood Politics.  Lets take from the rich and give to the poor.  Now, isn't that fair?  I don't think that the rich think is a bit fair.  Sounds a lot like Socialism to me.  You want to know what I think is not fair? America has the fattest poor people in the world.   I work hard for the money that I make to try to support my family.  My net, after all the taxes and deductions, is about half of my gross.  We live paycheck to paycheck, that's not the "rich peoples" fault, it's just a fact.  Meanwhile, I went to Walmart around the first of last month to pick up a couple things, it was about 3:00 in the morning, (I work third shift), and in line in front of me was a couple, I assume, husband and wife, they were both so morbidly obese that they had to ride on those motorized buggies with a cart on them.  Both carts were overflowing.  In addition to the buggies being full, they each had another full sized cart, both overflowing.  How did they pay for their groceries, you ask?  You guessed it- Food Stamps!  How fair is that?  I heard about another lady that went to Kroger and her total for her food stamp purchase was 140.00.  100.00 of that was Monster energy drinks and Mountain Dew!  Can you feel the fairness all over you?  I sure can.  We need to stop subsidizing bad behavior and encourage good behavior.

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