Monday, October 11, 2010

When your policies stink, blame Bush.

How long into a presidency do you have to serve before you start taking responsibility, whether good or bad, for the decisions or policies you made?  For the last 20 months Barak Hussein Obama has continually pointed the finger of blame for anything negative that has happened to our beloved country on George Bush.  He's always talking about the "deficit he inherited", or the "failed policies of the last 12 years",  I could go on but you get the picture.  He campaigned on these issues claiming that "We are the ones that we have been waiting for".  He said he had the answers to fix the economy and unemployment.  To get out of the wars that George Bush started.  To shut down Guantanamo Bay and so on.  We as Americans needed "hope and change".  How's that "hope and change" workin' for ya'?  Was it a surprise to him when he moved into the White House that the economy and unemployment were so bad?  No, it was not.  It's time for him to put on his big boy pants, get some good economists to give him advice and own up to the results of his ill advised decisions that are taking our country in the wrong direction.  Did you know that he has acquired more national deficit since he has been in office than the time period from George Washington to Ronald Reagan?  It's totally absurd!  Just because there was a deficit when he took office, does that give him license to quadruple the debt?  Makes no sense to me.  Cash for clunkers was a bust.  The 787 billion dollar "stimulus" bill didn't stimulate anybody but the unions and special interest groups.  The only growth in employment is in government jobs.  The private sector is taking it in the shorts.  Did you hear that over 823 thousand dollars of the "stimulus" money was wasted on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised AFRICAN males how to properly wash their genitals after having sex to minimize the risk of getting AIDS?  How about the "squirrel bridge" in Arizona for a mere 1.25 million dollars.  The bridge is being built because there is a rare breed of red squirrels, about 250 of them, that on average, 5 squirrels become road kill each year.  Are you kidding me!?  I'm not an economist nor do I claim to have all the answers but these 2 examples are just a very small fraction of the waste and abuse that this administration is heaping onto ALL OF US.  I learned, without a college education, that you CAN NOT spend more than you take in.  Econ. 101.  Supposedly, our esteemed President attended Oxford and Columbia Universities,(although he won't release any of his school records or birth certificate), for some reason.  What is he hiding?  It seems to me that he is deliberately driving our nation into the ground.  Are we going to be the next Greece?  Our only hope is to get a majority in the House of Representatives and /or the Senate in November to create gridlock so the goofball can't get any more of his "foolish" experiments signed into law.

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